
View Full Version : Виза для партнёра в public limited company (osakeyhtiö)

31-10-2015, 09:29
Привет, мы создаем фирму в Финляндии и собираемся нанять меня на работу в этой компании.

Я думаю подавать на Residence permit for an employed person

If you own shares of a public limited company (osakeyhtio) and you work in this company, you will need a residence permit for an employed person.

Есть несколько вопросов, основные:
какая зарплата будет достаточной для меня для получения этой визы?
про доказательство отсутствия нужной рабочей силы в EU:

when the availability of labour force is assessed, the employer must establish if there is available labour force in Finland or within the EU/EEA for the work in question within a reasonable time (Aliens Act, section 73(1)).

читаю Aliens Act:

(1) An employer shall attach to an
application for a residence permit for an
employed person:
1) written information on principal
terms of work referred to in Chapter 2,
section 4 of the Employment Contracts Act
2) an assurance that the terms comply
with the provisions in force and the relevant
collective agreement or, if a collective
agreement is not applied, that the terms
correspond to those applied to employees in
the labour market doing similar work; and
3) upon request by an employment
office, a statement confirming that the
employer has met and will meet his or her
obligations as an employer.

но, не вижу нужной мне информации, на какое время нужно закидывать объявления на биржу труда?
Где достать / прочитать Employment Contracts Act (55/2001)?