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Old 13-03-2014, 00:14   #11072
финский матриархат
Аватар для Jade
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Сообщение от Сударь

Цитируемый документ ООН - универсален. Можно, напр., убиться об стену, но суть от этого не поменяется. Провозглашать независимость НЕ запрещено, а значит - МОЖНО.

Провозглашать независимость не запрещено, но это, по цитируемому документу ООН, совсем не означает того, что можно отделяться. Не даёт провозглашение независимости автоматического права на реальное отделение, понимаете?
Почему по пунктам 80, 82, 83 молчок?
Однако, ловко мозги народу парят пямо с официального сайта МИД РФ.
В пункте 80 заключения суда ООН сказано о принципе целостности территории и обязательствах, возлагаемых на государства - воздерживаться от нарушения территориальной целостности других суверенных государств.

Читайте оригинал — там ясно сказано, что суд ООН не решал вопроса, имеет ли Косово право на отделение, а лишь решал вопрос, запрещает ли международный закон декларирование независимости.


79. .. The practice of States in these latter cases does not point to the emergence in international law of a new rule prohibiting the making of a declaration of independence in such cases ..
80. .. The Court recalls that the principle of territorial integrity is an important part of the international legal order and is enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, in particular in Article 2, paragraph 4, which provides that : “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.” ....the General Assembly reiterated “[t]he principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State”. This resolution then enumerated various obligations incumbent upon States to refrain from violating the territorial integrity of other sovereign States... Thus, the scope of the principle of territorial integrity is confined to the sphere of relations between States.
81 ..no general prohibition against unilateral declarations of independence may be inferred from the practice of the Security Council
82. A number of participants in the present proceedings have claimed.. that the population of Kosovo has the right to create an independent State either as a manifestation of a right to self-determination or pursuant to what they described as a right of “remedial secession” in the face of the situation in Kosovo. ... a right to separate from that State is, however, a subject on which radically different views were expressed by those taking part in the proceedings and expressing a position on the question. Similar differences existed regarding whether international law provides for a right of “remedial secession” and, if so, in what circumstances. There was also a sharp difference of views as to whether the circumstances which some participants maintained would give rise to a right of “remedial secession” were actually present in Kosovo.
83. The Court considers that it is not necessary to resolve these questions in the present case. The General Assembly has requested the Court’s opinion only on whether or not the declaration of independence is in accordance with international law.

84. .. the Court considers that general international law contains no applicable prohibition of declarations of independence. Accordingly, it concludes that the declaration of independence of 17 February 2008 did not violate general international law.

Какое отделение, если "..a right to separate from that State is, however, a subject on which radically different views were expressed ... The Court considers that it is not necessary to resolve these questions in the present case. The General Assembly has requested the Court’s opinion only on whether or not the declaration of independence is in accordance with international law."

A bad peace is better than a good war
"Se, joka ihannoi sotaa, on mielipuoli" (c/Adolf Ehrnrooth)
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