Сообщение от Yochicki
Ни разу не слышал, чтобы в странах, называемых "нецивилизованными" неношение при себе мобильника кому-то инкриминировали. В ссылочной статье, однако, сказано, что это один из пунктов обвинения. Однако.
"Тортик, свжонькой... 1 апреля"
The government's technical capabilities in monitoring online activity have risen drastically in recent years. Since 2000, all ISPs have been obliged to install the "system for operational investigative measures,"36 or SORM-2, which gives the FSB and police access to internet traffic. The system is analogous to the Carnivore/DCS1000 software implemented by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and operates as a packet-sniffer which can analyze and log data passing over a digital network.37 However, no known cases of SORM-2 use have been reported. Legislation approved in April 2007 allows government services to intercept data traffic without a warrant,38 and in August 2008, the FSB announced the creation of a new portal to monitor the Russian internet and mass media. Little detailed information has been released on how the portal works, although the main aim of the project is the monitoring of public opinion.