Сообщение от Люся
Почему не гарантирует?
Например, ни рабочее место, ни замужество не гарантирует, если UVI нароет какие-либо нехорошие данные на соискателя, Вы это имели ввиду?
ну а как наличие бизнеса может гарантировать вид на жительство?
здесь как бы телега впереди лошади.
я не нашел чтобы закон об этом что-то говорил. например:
Residence permit for a self-employed non-EU citizen
Non-EU citizens need a residence permit for a self-employed person in order to engage in business activities in Finland. In order to be granted a permit, the applicant's business activity must be profitable. The profitability of the business activity is estimated on the basis of various reports that are obtained in advance, such as the business plan or binding preliminary contracts and funding agreements. The deliberation is conducted by the Employment and Economic Development Centre.
Granting a residence permit for a self-employed person requires that the individual's means of support be guaranteed. He or she must gain a regular income from the profits of the operations, salary received, personal funding withdrawals, or such items as sales profits, in an amount above the threshold for basic income support throughout the residence permit's period of validity. The sufficiency of the income is determined by the Employment and Economic Development Centre.
то есть весь вопрос в том насколько понятным и реалистичным покажется ваш бизнес план те-кескусу. не уверен что это легко достижимо учитывая текущие реалии