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Old 19-11-2009, 21:39   #28
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Сообщение от Alexey Titievsk
Мои рекомендации, соответствующие рекомендациям ВОЗ..
В Финляндии привейтесь сами и привейте своих детей против хрю-гриппа.. Хотите, привейтесь также от сезонного гриппа...
А как же ссылка на ВОЗ - там ведь всё наоборот? У Вас с английским всё в порядке? В Северном полушарии ВОЗ рекомендовал всем привиться составом, имеющимся в сезонной прививке, а в Южном полушарии хрю-прививкой:

См. http://www.fludb.org/brc/vaccineRec...tor=influ enza
World Health Organization Recommendations for Composition of Influenza Vaccines

The World Health Organization (WHO), through its world-wide network of Collaborating Centers, reviews the genetic and antigenic makeup of viruses circulating world-wide. From these data, the WHO recommends an influenza vaccine composition for the coming influenza season. Each WHO recommendation contains a type A (H1N1) virus, a type A (H3N2) virus, and a type B virus. Alternate viruses with similar antigenicity to those in the recommendation are also usually suggested. The following table summarizes the WHO recommendations. For each set of recommendations, a link is provided to the "WHO Selection Document", which is either a WHO document or a WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) containing the rationale for vaccine strain selection. Each strain listed is linked to detailed strain information, including the detailed information in IRD for the segment coding the hemagglutinin protein, which is the primary active component of the vaccine.

2010 Southern Hemisphere(WHO Selection Document)
A/California/07/2009 (H1N1)-like virus
A/Perth/16/2009 (H3N2)-like virus
B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus

2009-2010 Northern Hemisphere(WHO Selection Document)
A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2)-like virus
A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)-like virus
B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus

A/South Dakota/6/2007 (H1N1)
A/Uruguay/716/2007 (H3N2)
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