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Old 05-11-2010, 13:52   #271
финский мир
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Arrow Why Use Runway 26?

читайте дальше внимательно ссылку http://thomasalamb.blogspot.com/201...nt-and-use.html - далее идут ключевые вопросы, например, Why Use Runway 26?
Почему поменяли полосу? 7 апреля Туск приземлялся на полосу 08, а президентский борт направили на полосу 26:
on April 7th, since Prime Minister Tusk was on-board, the pilot landed the plane on Runway 08 instead of Runway 26.
The APM's (the gates) that the pilots on the Yak 40 spoke about are approach lights… Runway 26 does not show "gates" but Runway 08 does and that is the main runway.

Weather Used as the Accomplice and Why Use Runway 26?
When looking at the approach plates of Smolensk, not much information is given on the the type of terrain that is at the approach end of Runway 26. To a meteorologist or a pilot who is not familiar with Runway 26, a shallow valley that is about 1100 meters from the runway would be an unknown. To a pilot, this shallow valley is important when reading a radar altimeter and to a meteorologist, the shallow valley represents an area where morning fog develops and does so, even when there is a slight wind. The plane went down in a ravine 15 metres below the level of the runway, just a kilometre away. "The presence of this ravine can have a natural influence on the readings of the radio altimeter," Morozov said. "This is one of the subjects the technical commission is working on."

- см. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_fl6xHSAbN...or+smolensk.jpg
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