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Old 25-12-2010, 03:02   #2753
Аватар для Liria
Сообщений: 18,157
Проживание: Санкт-Петербург
Регистрация: 19-01-2007
Status: Offline

Сообщение от Сударь
можно сыграть в игру "найди источник" (кто не понял - частушек, на русском)

Fish in thick tomato sauce
Swims in happy comatose,
Only me, pathetic wimp,
Have no fucking place to swim.

I was sleeping with my honey absolutely naked;
I have taken off my panties just to make a statement.

Starlet's fallen from the heavens right into my boyfriend's briefs,
I don't mind his roasted penis if it helps us live in peace

Down the river drifts an axe
From the town of Byron.
Let it float there by itself
Fucking piece of iron!

My advice to future bride:
Don't get married, silly!
Morning comes your boobs aside,
Snatch is rumpled illy...

Girls have called me to the party
I decided not to come,
It's because my clothes are ugly
and my dick is a tiny one.

Coffee pot’s a bit unstable
Dishes fall around
Fucking on a little table
Makes a lot of sound

You were mine the other day,
Mike is screwing you today.
He's got cock as thick as trees
On the Shishkin's masterpiece...

Nick is crossing village slowly
outside it's cold and snowy.
But his dick is up and running
Just in case if someone's coming.

Nick is sitting at the door,
Neither dancing, singing nor,
He is sitting, deaf and dumb,
Thinking only "Whom to hump?"

Ниче себе вы разыгрались на ночь глядя....
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