Вообше, сначала вас оповешают о том, что вы успешно сдали экзамен и вам предложено место. Его вы должны подтвердить, иначе оно перейдет к другому. После подтверждения(раньше давался срок до августа,вроде), как у вас и написано, вам надо подавать документы на разрешение на пребывание.
А вот и ссылка:
Admitted students must confirm their study places by 2 August 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time at the latest.
Confirming the Study Place
Admission results for degree programmes starting in autumn 2011 will be sent by mail to the students by 19 July 2011 at the latest. In addition to the letter of admittance, the student will receive a confirmation form. It is imperative that the student submits the confirmation form to the higher education institution in which he/she wishes to study by 2 August 2011 at 4.15 pm Finnish time at the latest, otherwise the student will forfeit the study place.
Confirmation of the study place is binding and cannot be altered or rectified.
If you have applied to several degree programmes, please wait until you have received all the admission results. Once you have received all the results, select your study place and return the confirmation form. A student forfeits his/her study place, if the confirmation form arrives at the higher education institution after the set date.