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Old 06-08-2005, 15:58   #70
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Сообщение от Brat-kvadrat
По-моему, у Солженицына было: со времён римского права ("никто не должен терпеть наказание за мысли"), за мысли судили только в Японии, и в СССР.

А как же sexual harassment в Штатах? Там тоже, если "не так" посмотрел, то и засудить могут. Да и не только в Штатах. Вот, что у нас о sexual harassment в политике университета написано (курсив мой) (Извиняюсь, что на английском):

What are the criteria for sexual harassment?

Sexual attention is harassment when it is uncalled-for and not mutual and when it continues after the object has expressed feelings of distaste and offence. What is felt to be harassment depends on an individual, the situation, relationship and interaction between the persons in question, and on earlier experiences. The offender may be male or female - a colleague, superior, subordinate, student or client.

For example the following events that offend an individual can be experienced as harassment:

Gestures or looks that are sexually offensive,
Obscene language, suggestive jokes and uncalled-for remarks or questions relating to the body, clothes or private life,
Display of pornographic material, letters, telephone or e-mail messages that are sexually oriented,
Pawing and other such unwanted physical contact,
Hinting at, proposing or demanding sexual intercourse,
Disturbing stalking.
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