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Old 18-08-2005, 14:56   #227
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American Psychiatric Association
Fact Sheet on Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues

“Many gay men and women are parents. For example, estimates of the numbers of lesbian mothers range from 1 to 5 million and with the number of children ranging from 6 to 14 million. Most gay parents conceived their children in prior heterosexual marriages. Recently an increasing number of gay parents have conceived children and raised them from birth either as single parents or in committed relationships. Often this is done through alternative insemination, adoption or through foster parenting. Numerous studies have shown that the children of gay parents are as likely to be healthy and well adjusted as children raised in heterosexual households. Children raised in gay or lesbian households do not show any greater incidence of homosexuality or gender identity issues than other children. Children raised in nontraditional homes with gay/lesbian parents can encounter some special challenges related to the ongoing stigma against homosexuality, but most children surmount these problems.”


Так говорит Американская Ассоциация Психиатрии. Иными словами существуют многочисленные НАУЧНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ( а не " я так считаю, мне так кажется , бабушка сказала" ), согласно которым ориентация родителей не вляет на ориентацию ребёнка.

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