Хе-хе, покупайте в Италии или России, там дешевле...
"In Germany, the Lumia 920 will retail for €649 ($836), while the Lumia 820 will go for €499 ($645). However, if you are living in Italy, you can grab the Lumia 920 for €50 less at €599 ($771). The pricing there for the Lumia 820 remains unchanged.
The smartphones are also up for pre-order in Russia, where eager customers will have to chunk in 24,990 rubles ($801) for the Lumia 920 and 19,990 rubles ($640) for the Lumia 820.
Expect both Lumia devices to start shipping some time in November. In Italy, information is a bit more specific and indicates a November 12 launch from carrier TeliaSonera."