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Old 22-01-2014, 20:30   #1
Those russians
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Нокия - уже не финская. Нынче - знаменитая Ruukki (Rautaruukki) объединяется со шведами. Похоже, последние её покупают...

Ruukki and a Swedish based steel manufacturer SSAB announced today the intention to combine the operations of the two companies.

The combined company will continue to serve the customers with a broad offering within high-strength steels, standard strip and plate products as well as tubular products. It will be a Nordic and U.S. –based steel company with a global reach and local service. The proposed combination enhances the capacity to invest more in product development, R&D and collaborate closely with the customers.

The construction businesses of both companies – Ruukki Building Products and Ruukki Building Systems as well as SSAB’s Plannja – will be combined to form a separate and focused business unit. This means we can serve you even better in the future through a complementary product and service portfolio and stronger competences.

зы. Шо там ещё осталось на продажу из нац. гордости? Маримекко и лапин культа?
