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Old 01-03-2014, 18:37   #4
Сообщений: 41
Регистрация: 28-01-2014
Status: Offline
относительно подачи документов:
1)You must submit your residence permit application to a Finnish embassy in the country of your legal residence. As a rule, it is your home country. You may not submit your application to the diplomatic mission of a country other than Finland. Please also note, that you cannot submit your application to an honorary consulate. You may not send your application by post; instead, you must visit the embassy in person. *migri

2) You can apply for the permit in Finland if you take an entrance exam here and start your studies soon after the exam. You may stay in the country legally during the application processing period, though your visa may have expired.

Apply for the permit at a police service point in your place of residence. Contact the police to find out which service point in the area provides licence services. The police will forward your application to the Finnish Immigration Service for a decision.

Но учьтите: If you come to Finland while your application is being processed, you must cancel an application you have initiated outside Finland and re-apply for a residence permit in Finland. A new processing fee will be charged for an application submitted in Finland.

Что касается доставки почтой, ни посольство, ни полиция документы такого рода не доставляет!
как написано на сайте, личное присутствие необходимо как при подаче так и после нее.

личное мнение: в теории можете успеть получить пермит в фин, при условии что поступите и имеете средства, но на практике это процесс некороткий и до начала учебных дней, что в середине августа, маловероятно что вы уклонитесь от 35 % налога! Много хотите и все сразу
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