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Old 08-10-2005, 02:34   #30
Those russians
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Регистрация: 22-07-2005
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Сообщение от Jade
Патриотизм по-русски http://www.slavrus.net/ideology.php?m=ideology

"...Общественная организация Национал-патриотов России (в дальнейшем НПР) призывает

Заметим, что это - просто партия (не правящая), а не политика гос-ва.
А вот - государственная политика :

"Вот вам «галахический» ответ раввина на эту тему (надеюсь, вы знаете, что брачные, семейные и многие другие отношения в Израиле определяются законами Галахи - абсолютно официально):

«Брак еврея или еврейки с представителем другого народа — это одно из самых больших несчастий, которые только можно представить. "

Сообщение от Jade
[B]Патриотизм по-американски: http://www.sustainourfuture.org/Patriotism/

Вы не там читали. Я же дал Вам ссылку о том, что из себя представляет Патриотический Акт США:


"In contradiction, the current administration continues to juxtapose civil liberties and national security, acting to increase its powers of surveillance and interrogation, and expand provisions of arbitrary detention of non-citizens. Government policies have diminished the civil rights landscape in the United States. Such policies have acted to weaken the independence of non-governmental organizations, demanding uniform obedience to the government's war on terror. This administration has insisted on secret deportation hearings, authorized military commissions to try non-citizen terrorists, and confined US citizens classified as 'enemy combatants' without charges or access to counsel. These actions suggest the failure of government to defend human rights and international law. While Americans persist in practicing freedoms sacrosanct to the foundation of this country, powerful anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and repressive currents continue to swirl.

An ominous indication of this government's callousness toward civil liberties is the Patriot Act.

The USA-PATRIOT Act erodes public scrutiny and accountability, and compromises judicial oversight. It makes serious amendments to 15 significant statutes, including the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, Immigration and Nationality Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Right to Financial Privacy Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, and Bank Secrecy Act. The Patriot Act amplifies the disclosure of information acquired in criminal investigations related to foreign intelligence or counterintelligence. It impacts the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The Patriot Act does not restrict dissemination of information related to investigations of terrorist activities. It adds to the powers of law enforcement agencies and empowers them to conduct searches without a warrant. It expands the subpoena of records of electronic communications. ... "
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