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Old 02-11-2017, 16:13   #918
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Сообщение от финofil
Electric vehicles in Hong Kong may indirectly be the cause of almost 20 percent more carbon dioxide emissions than gasoline-fueled motors, undermining the city’s efforts to get ‘green’ cars on the road, according to Sanford C. Bernstein.

That’s because Hong Kong relies on coal for more than half its power generation, according to Neil Beveridge, a Hong Kong-based analyst at Bernstein. The city should focus on shifting its power mix toward natural gas and renewables first before encouraging the use of electric vehicles through incentives like tax breaks, he said.

“Electric vehicles only make sense in countries where the carbon intensity of electricity generation is low,” Beveridge wrote in a report published Wednesday. “In Hong Kong, and more broadly China, electric vehicles are increasing rather than reducing pollution, with taxpayers effectively being asked to subsidize this.”

Hong Kong has more than 4,000 registered electric vehicles, including Tesla Motors Inc.’s Model S, which Bernstein used in its analysis, and Nissan Motor Co.’s Leaf. Over a 150,000 kilometer lifetime, a Model S in Hong Kong may result in the release of 4.4 metric tons of carbon dioxide more than a BMW AG 320i, after accounting for the carbon intensity of the city’s power generation and the production of the car battery, as well as crude oil extraction, transportation and refining.

Из той же статьи, заключения других людей по поводу "загрязнения" атмосферы Гонконга ЭК, и планах Гонконга на срок до 2020 года:

"Tesla says that according to its own analysis, emissions per kilometer from its cars are no more than half of what gasoline cars emit, even after adding indirect emissions. A customer who was visiting a Tesla dealership on Hong Kong Island was also puzzled, saying electric cars can definitely reduce carbon emissions on the streets.

Coal power accounts for over half of the total electricity in Hong Kong, but the government aims to significantly increase the use of natural gas, as well as renewable energy sources, by 2020."

В двух словах - анализ Тесла показывает, что выбросы, связанные с переходом на ЭК не превысят половину от текущих. Угольные станции составляют свыше половины электрогенерации Гонконга в настоящее время, в планах властей существенно увеличить электрогенерацию на газе и возобновляемых источниках до 2020 года.
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