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Old 15-08-2019, 13:07   #5559
Ёж - прекрасная женщина
Аватар для Marmir
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Регистрация: 22-09-2006
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Сообщение от Olka
Я тоже не знала про рецепт с сидром. А есть разница какой использовать?

вот чего нашла:

Traditional Spanish cooking is uncomplicated most of the times as it basically relies upon premium quality ingredients. Like good chorizo. Chorizo a la sidra or chorizo cooked in cider is one of the simplest tapas and simplest pairings you can find, fine charcuterie fried in good virgin olive oil and then stewed in cider until the liquid is reduced and the slight sweetness of the drink infuses the chorizo… heaven in a tapa. Skeptical? Don’t judge before you try it. This is a tapa that originates in the northern region of Asturias, a lusciously green, misty and humid area where apple orchards are abundant and so are sidrerías or cider houses. Asturian natural cider is a mildly alcoholic beverage made by fermenting apple juice; it is traditionally poured from the bottle from a certain height so that the liquid crashes into the glass and gets somewhat oxygenated. This fizzying effect onlylasts a few seconds, that’s why the cider glassful must be gulped down in one go… Fortunately cider can be enjoyed in this tapa in a less compromising way.

вегетарианство не пробовал, но осуждаю.