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Old 29-08-2023, 01:22   #356
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Сообщение от Винни
С сайта Европарламента:
EU action to reduce energy consumption " All new buildings should be zero emissions as of 2028. The deadline for new buildings occupied, operated or owned by public authorities is 2026.

Making EU buildings more energy efficient and less dependent on fossil fuels, by investing in renovation would allow a reduction in the final energy consumption of buildings and cut emissions in the sector by 2030. The Renovation wave strategy proposed by the Commission in 2020, aims to at least double the annual energy renovation of buildings by 2030, foster renovations in more than 35 million buildings and create up to 160,000 jobs in the construction sector.
On a scale from the best to the worst-energy performance (A to G), residential buildings should upgrade to D by 2033 with a deadline of 2030 for non-residential and public buildings. This can be done via insulation or improved heating systems."

Заставить всех очень просто: или улучшайте энергопотребление в доме или платите ежегодный налог на убогую недвижимость в размере стоимости улучшения. Я согласен, что мы живем в свободной стране и каждый может выбрать подходящий для себя вариант.

Короче, расходимся. Сначала будут дрючить строителей с новым жильем, потом общественные здания, потом нежилые.
А уж потом, perhaps, possibly, maybe дойдет до домовладельцев. Но это неточно.