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Old 15-04-2006, 03:12   #30
Those russians
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Автор треда так и не выразил свою мысль...

Ладно, наводящий вопрос. А какие международные законы НАРУШИЛ Иран, подписавший "договор о нераспространении" и работая в направлении ядерной энергетики? Работая, кстати не без помощи США, Великобритании, Франции, Гремании?

"Iran's use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes dates back to mid-1970s. Of course, Iran revealed its willingness for peaceful nuclear activities in 1953 when then US president Dwight Eisenhower suggested establishment of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as the United Nations nuclear watchdog.

Iran was among the first countries to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Up to the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran had based its nuclear plans on three pivots; Joint investment with a British company in a South African uranium mine, purchasing 10% of shares from a French company and building Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant. Iran's Atomic Energy Organization clinched a US-brokered deal with German KWU in 1975 for building a nuclear power plant in the southern city of Bushehr.
Iran is a signatory to NPT which allows members to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. "

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