Полностью согласен с того. В штатах даже в СВ пишут сколько ты получал на предыдущих работах и никого это не смущает. В штатах/англии почти все вакансии с указанием зарплаты публикуются. А вот тут
http://www.finlandforum.org/viewtop...&st=0&sk=t&sd=a фина спрашивают почему зарплату скрываешь от пролетариев, гад. и вот его ответ
>> I wonder what the point to hide rages of rates in Job ad
That is quite interesting & hard question. Here is my reply, based on my personal experience and assumptions:
1) If we are looking for senior people and publish salary figures, we get zillions of "hopefull junior" applicants who have dollars in their eyes and no clue whatsoever. We get less of these this way, but still too much.
2) We want to compensate person based on his skillset, competence level and productivity. This does not always have 100% overlap with his official position or the project she is currently assigned to. Our target is to pay "similarily capable" persons salaries in the close range to each other.
3) If we say that "salary for guru person is X euros per annum" and someone who is only experienced applies and actually gets the job, it might be depressing to hear that "we want to hire you, but as you are not a true guru we will pay you only 70% of X".