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Old 12-02-2004, 14:14   #33
Registered User
Аватар для NiLz
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Проживание: Helsinki
Регистрация: 13-05-2003
Status: Offline
2.2. Does Wine emulate a full computer?

No, as the name says, Wine Is Not a (CPU) Emulator. Wine just provides the Windows API. This means that you will need an x86-compatible processor to run an x86 Windows application, for instance from Intel or AMD. The advantage is that, unlike solutions that rely on CPU emulation, Wine runs applications at full speed. Sometimes a program run under Wine will be slower than when run on a copy of Microsoft Windows, but this is more due to the fact that Microsoft have heavily optimized parts of their code, whereas mostly Wine is not well optimized (yet). Occasionally, an app may run faster under Wine than on Windows. Most apps run at roughly the same speed.

Sam nikakogo tormozheniya ne zame4al.

S etim opyta ne imeyu, no uveren 4to v nete est' infa na etot s4et.

P.S. Sorry za translit.
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